Birth - 5th Grade

“Bubble Ball”
Daddy/Daughter Dance

Take a listen on Spotify, to the music that will be played at the Bubble ball.
Click HERE

New Hope Kids is for Birth - 5th Grade and we meet on Sundays during our 9am & 10:30am services! We can’t wait to see you here.

Please fill out the form below if you’d like to have our Family Pastor contact you about having your child in the Dedication ceremony on June 2.

Welcome! New Hope Kids serves children from birth to 5th grade. We believe children should have a safe and fun environment to learn about Jesus and build great friendships.

Our vision at New Hope Kids is to support the entire family. We want to give parents or guardians the tools to lead their child along their faith journey all the way into adulthood. We use "milestones" in a child’s life to help guide how we teach and take into consideration the developmental level of each child, as we teach them about the Bible and discover God’s love for them. 

Birth - 5th Grade meet DURING the 9am and 10:30am services.

Connect with Kalen, who leads New Hope Kids, if you have any questions about this Sunday!

Have Children Questions? Contact Us.

Family Resources